Alephino 5.0 OPAC - Content overview

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The Web-OPAC screen is made up of two frames. The top frame displays the menu bar with the important and available functions; the large lower frame displays various search options along with screens that display results.

Search top

The Search function enables you to find records by entering keywords or phrases. There are different search types for various needs and skills available.

Additionally to the advices at the bottom of each screen, there are other rules, available for all search types:

the * character (asterisk) replaces any number of characters and can be placed at the left, right or middle of a portion of a word. It can never be used more than once in a text string.

the ? character replaces one character. This is especially useful for a word with different notations.
For example, the word civili?ation finds civilisation and civilization.

Common Command Language top

At first you must specify the search aspect of the indices.


TIT=(hist* OR soci*) AND AUT=Winkler

searches words in the index of titles and the index of authors. If you activate "Words adjacent", the system will understand that you want to retrieve only search terms,that are next to each other.

Boolean operators

You may use the Boolean operators AND and OR in your search string. The Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT can broaden or narrow your search.


flag AND civili?ation

searches all records containing flag and civilisation or civilization. flag OR country

searches all records containing flag or country. flag NOT country

searches all records containing the word flag but not the word country.


Parentheses can be used in a search query for defining priority. In the following example titles with the words processor or CPU, and program or system must be found. Example:

 (processor OR CPU) AND (program OR system)

The abbreviations used in Alephino-CCL are:


LCC - LoC classification
LCN - LoC Location
DDC - Dewey
TIT - Title
NAM - All authors
IMP - Imprint
SRS - Series
LOC - Location
PER - Name
COR - Corporate
MEE - Meeting
PLA - Place of publication
PUB - Publisher
SUB - All subjects
SPE - Name-subject
SCO - Corporate-subject
SME - Meeting-subject
STI - Uniform title-subject
TOP - Subject-word
GEO - Geo-subject
LCC - Library of Congress classification-tags
YEA - Year of publication


TIT - Title
TIP - Title phrase
AUT - Author
KOR - Corporate
SWT - Subject
NOT - Notation
NOB - Description Notation
FUS - Footnote
HSV - Annotation dissertion
VLG - Publischer/place of publication
JHR - Year of publication
IZF - Abstract
ARI - Kind and Content
ABR - Retrieval characters
FDS - Discipline
EIG - Pertinency-code
ALT - Age-code
AUS - Exposition
KON - Meeting/Conference
QUE - Source
TKR - Application area
BIW - Bible text
EST - Uniform title
SIG - Location
ZNR - Access number
VBN - Booking number
STO - Collection
LOK - Loc. retrieval character/Remarque
DDB - DDB-Number
EKZ - EKZ-Number
LOC - LoC-Number
ZDB - ZDB- Number
VID - Network-IDN
IDA - Old IDN/origin

Search history top

This function displays your search queries, and allows you:

  • to select a result set
  • to sort a result set. You can sort records using predefined sort options
  • to modify a result set. You can rank the results by adding an additional word to the search term(s) used in the current search.
  • to broaden or narrow your results, by crossing the search results.
  • to delete a result set.
  • to send a list of titles by e-mail to your own or another address.
  • to save a result set on the server or on your local drive.
  • to perform other searches based on the set. All the searches will be executed in this list, and not in the entire database.

Scan top

This function allows you to search in an alphabetical index. There are indexes of authors, indexes of titles and indexes of subjects.

Select the index, then enter the text from which you would like to start browsing. This text will appear at the top of a scrollable list. For example, entering the letter a will open an alphabetical list starting with the letter a. Entering the word Shakespeare in the index of authors, will open an alphabetical list starting with Shakespeare.

Scan list top

The Browse list is an alphabetical list, that displays the number of records for each entry. Click on an underlined entry to see the associated records for the entry.

There are two ways to access a browse list:

  • by using the browse function and selecting an index to browse. After typing the text that you want to appear at the top of the list, the browse list will be displayed.
  • by using the search function. When viewing a record, you can click on an underlined tag and receive a browse list of entries for the tag. For example, if you click on the Author tag, an alphabetical list of authors appears, with the current author at the top of the list.

Title list top

A title list is a search result. When you click on an underlined entry in an index, a title list is displayed, if applicable. You can also see older title lists in the Search History function.

In "Result list", you can retrieve the previously displayed list.

You can select different display formats for the title list.

You can modify or filter a title list, and you can save or send this list.

Facets will be built by extraction of authority records linked to current result set. You may use them to render your results more precisely.

Full view top

In the full view of a record, you can see the record in a variety of formats that change the tags from standard ALEPHINO tags to name tags or numeric tags. You can also select the catalog card style.

The full view has links that allow you to jump to:

  • a Browse list
  • other, similar records (other records that share the same subject)
  • holdings information
  • external files, such as an electronic journal

Items & Hold requests top

When you click on the underlined Number of items tag, a results list is displayed. To request items, click the hold request button.

Borrower account top

The borrower account function enables you to access your borrower data. You can see your loans, your hold requests, your search profiles and your cash records account. Furthermore you can modify your password and update your address.

Databases top

In this function you can select databases that you would like to search. Your library determines which databases you are allowed to access.

Feedback top

You can send your comments or suggestions to the library by using this function.

Options top

Here you find options for customising the interface. For example you can determine the language and modify the format in which records are presented.